
About SafeCerts

SafeCerts is an app developed to help Electrical Contractors record Electrical Test results in a safe and useful format. SafeCerts was developed by a Registered Contractor (REC) using the ETCI Test Record Sheet format and process.

Safe Electric accepted

The apps creates test record sheet numbers that can be used on completion certs and are accepted by Safe Electric.


produced in a professional legible PDF

Using SafeCerts will protect all of your test results performed by creating a digital copy and enable you, in a company setup, to gather test results from several electricians at a click of a button. This data is backed up with cloud based storage. SafeCerts goal is to remove the need for paper based Electrical Test Record Sheet management and to save Contractors valuable time.

Calculate the actual SafeCerts cost to your business

The cost of the electrical test recording process often involves duplication, rewriting, scanning, and clarification, posting and filing of test record information. SafeCerts looks to reduce this.

How many licenses do you need?
Amount of licenses

Single Yearly Licence Cost (ex VAT): €130

How many test record books do you use in a year? (based on a book of 50)
Enter full or half numbers e.g. 1.50 or 0.50

Safe Electric Test Record Sheets ( 50 ): €27.50 (including postage)
 SafeCerts App Numbers ( 50 ): €8.20 Potential Difference/Saving: €19.30

How many continuation sheet books do you use in a year? (based on a book of 25)
Enter full or half numbers e.g. 1.50 or 0.50

Continuation Book (25): €13.50 (including postage)

How much time do you waste with reentering results from a piece of paper to a TRS book as the TRS book was not brought to site or a user had to call to clarify test information?
Value in minutes

Minute Rate: €1

Risk Avoidance: Time needed to replace your paper based TRS book if lost or damaged
Time in hours

Hourly Rate: €60

Actual SafeCerts App Yearly Cost

A negative value represents a cost saving